Explore the F2F Tour

Welcome to Canada’s premier Magic: The Gathering series, a celebration of both competitive and casual play, where the joy of Commander and the spirit of community shine. With events designed for every style and level of play, we invite you to join us in a realm where strategy meets fun and every participant is part of the larger Magic story.

Looking to get involved? Step into our community and find an event near you that caters to the casual player and seasoned strategist alike.

For full details on our series, visit our introduction page.

Upcoming Events

F2F Tour Vancouver CommandFest
Canada Place
F2F Tour Red Deer
Westerner Park
F2F Tour Toronto
Montecassino Hotel and Event Centre
F2F Tour St. John’s
St. John’s Convention Centre
F2F Tour Winnipeg
RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg
F2F Tour Calgary Weekend
Big Four Roadhouse

Our Partners and Sponsors