Commander Showdown: Format Explanation


Welcome to Commander Showdowns! Commander Showdowns are qualifying events where players can enjoy playing Commander and compete for an invitation to the Ultimate Showdown on Sunday. Each Showdown consists of a single game, with the winner of each pod earning an invite to the Ultimate Showdown. Participation in the Ultimate Showdown is free for those who qualify.

The Ultimate Showdown will be run using the Commander King of the Hill structure. See below for more details!

King of the Hill Structure (Sunday Ultimate Showdown Only)

  • Seating: Players will initially be seated in a random pod of four.
  • Elimination: Players who lose a match within their pod are eliminated from the tournament at any stage.
  • Advancement: Winners of matches within a pod advance to a new pod, where they face off against other victorious players.

Join us at the Face to Face Tour CommandFest to prove your mastery of the battlefield and fight for your title of Ultimate Showdown Champion!